Our Passion is Dogs –
Just Like Yours

Dogs are a huge part of our lives. We raise, care for, and train our beloved pets, who reward us with their unconditional love. We believe every pet owner deserves the opportunity to care for their dog with the best natural ingredients, without compromise… using truly luxurious grooming products.

The Story
That Ensures

Your Dog’s Beauty and Daily Life Are in Good Hands

The story that ensures your dog’s beauty and daily life are in good hands. The whole Whizzopet adventure began with two tiny french bulldogs.

One day, while watching TV, we saw a commercial featuring a French Bulldog lying down with its back legs stretched out behind it, like a little “frog-dog.”

We instantly fell in love with the breed. Before long, we were holding two little “French miracles” in our arms. And we weren’t wrong—these dogs completely enchanted us. Then, one day, the idea for Whizzopet was born. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves…

Read About

the Exciting Journey That Brought Us Here

In the Name of Love

Greg and I do everything together—and I mean everything. We plan together, we bring our ideas to life together, and our enthusiasm never wanes. Our first great love? The little “Frenchies.” The moment we saw that “commercial hero” mentioned earlier, we knew we had to have a dog like that.

But one love wasn’t enough—we needed a second one. That’s when the bees came into our lives. Greg was introduced to beekeeping alongside his father, and even back then, he knew he wanted to work with bees one day.

Though his father eventually moved on from beekeeping, Greg didn’t give up on his dream. In 2015, he founded his own organic apiary. This marked the fulfillment of our third love. Now, 5.4 million of our bees buzz around the secluded areas of the countryside, diligently gathering honey while keeping the local plant life thriving.

But we didn’t stop there…

Whizzopet – The New Love

As dog owners and breeders, we face the challenges of the modern world every day, challenges that make life harder for our beloved pets. Artificial substances in food and other products often cause allergic reactions, skin inflammation, and fungal infections in many dogs.

These issues cause discomfort and suffering for our dogs and, if left untreated, can lead to more serious problems. While sometimes changing a dog’s diet can help, skin issues still need to be addressed—ideally without adding more artificial substances.

As organic beekeepers, we not only understand the value and incredible power of the natural treasures our bees produce (honey, royal jelly, pollen, bee bread, and propolis), but we also have them at our fingertips, using and consuming them daily. We felt it was only right to extend these benefits to our pets as well.

Ancient Wisdom

So, here we are with a valuable ingredient in our hands—one that we know is pure and of the highest quality, thanks to our organic beekeeping. This natural wonder, cultivated by our bees, has been cherished for millennia.

With this timeless natural treasure in our possession, it was clear that we would incorporate beekeeping products and natural oils, butters, and herbs into our formulas. These ingredients allow us to offer effective solutions to the problems that nearly every dog and pet owner faces.

Our passion is dogs, that’s why we give great importance on their care and health. It’s crucial to us that our products are made to the highest standards. We’ve created our products based on the experiences we’ve gained as dog owners, breeders, and beekeepers, and we’ve worked tirelessly to perfect them. Every jar contains this accumulated knowledge because healthy and happy dogs are our priority.

This is how the idea for the Whizzopet product line was born.

Alright, But With Whom…?

I realized that I needed to deepen my knowledge of natural materials to create the perfect products. After all, we didn’t just want to help dogs; we set ourselves the ambitious goal of doing so in the most natural way possible.

So, I first enrolled in a Canine Herbalist course. It was incredibly valuable, but it quickly became clear that it wouldn’t be enough for product development.

How could a short course compete with the years of university education that a development engineer has? And then there’s the practical experience and expertise, which often goes far beyond what’s found in textbooks.

With this in mind, we embarked on an intense search to find the ideal developer.

Did We Find the Right One?

It wasn’t an easy task, as our expectations were just as high for our developer as they were for our products. We didn’t want someone who would just throw anything into a product to make it work.

But fate was kind to us. Not only did we find a conscientious developer, but “coincidentally,” we were connected with an engineer who is also a dog lover. They, too, had struggled to find truly satisfying quality in dog grooming products, so they eagerly and enthusiastically took on the challenge of developing our products.

The result?

A stunning luxury cosmetic product line that far exceeded all our expectations.

We Were Surprised Too – More Than Once…

Once the first batches of each product were ready, our development engineer immediately began testing them. He had been struggling with recurring eczema for some time and had tried countless ointments and creams, with very little success.

So, he applied the Pro-Skin ointment to his eczema. Knowing the formulation inside and out—since he had developed it—he was aware that several of its ingredients were known to support skin regeneration, so he was confident in trying it out.

Remarkably, the eczema not only disappeared within about a week but has not returned since.

My cousin, who has an autoimmune disease, often experiences severe facial sores that look as though she has been burned. These sores usually leave visible scars. I gave her a few jars of the Pro Skin ointment to try. When the sores appear, they heal quickly with the ointment, and even the old scars have started to fade.

In our family, we also use the creams regularly for insect bites and skin injuries – with great success.

Others Agree, We Know What We’re Doing

Read what a few pet owners – just like you – have to say about our products after placing their trust in us

“Nagyon kedvesek és segítőkészek, elérhetőek, válaszolnak, felveszik a telefont, stb., csak ajánlani tudom!”

/Milena Hemrik/

“A legkorrektebb legtisztessègesebb cèg akikkel valaha talàlkoztam. Csak ajànlani tudom ôket!”

/Szikoràné Czibilka Zsanett/

“Nagyon kedvesek és segítőkészek, elérhetőek, válaszolnak, felveszik a telefont, stb., csak ajánlani tudom!”

/Milena Hemrik/

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You’re Not Just Doing Good for Your Own Dog

With every purchase, you’re supporting dogs in need! We donate 1% of every order to a shelter of our choice, helping to create a better future for our four-legged friends.


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