Is it a problem if my dog licks the products off?

Our Whizzopet products are made with 100% natural ingredients, and are safe to use. So there is no reason for concern about your dog licking them off itself. However, we recommend taking your pet’s attention away from its products after use, such as playing with it or giving it treats or massages until the product has had a chance to be absorbed into your dog’s skin. This will maximize the effectiveness of our products.

Can I use the products on puppies, pregnant and nursing moms and other animals?

Our products are completely safe for life at every phase and every stage.

Is the cocoa butter harmful in the Paw Cure Balm if my pet lick it off?

The cocoa butter is not chocolate, it’s extracted from the cocoa plant.
It’s completely safe to use and contains no theobromine.

What does it mean that all of our products are hypoallergenic?

Our products are made from 100% hypoallergenic materials, none of the components in our products can cause allergies.

How many times and how to use the products?

We recommend using Nose Glo Balm and Paw Cure Balm 2-3 times a day until healing is complete and the desired effect has been achieved. If you have achieved the right effect, use daily once to twice a day as a preventative measure.

Using Pro-Skin and W.E.T. Cream Curative Ointments 2-3 times a day until healing is complete, using Ear Gel weekly.

We recommend using Whizzopet Shampoo as regular bathing once in a month. With therapeutic purpose use it 2-3 times a week for maximum 3 weeks.

Using Wrinkle Magic Tonic as regular cleaning 2-3 times a week. With therapeutic purpose use it 2 times a day.

Where do we get our raw materials from?

Our products are made from 100% natural and organic ingredients that are sourced from certified organic growers and suppliers. In addition, our products contain high amounts that are Ecocert certified, which means they are made using natural ingredients with high-quality standards.

We also use our own organic bee products from our own organic apiary, which are certified by Biokontroll, the organization that checks and certifies everything related to ecological agriculture.

Our organic apiary is certified by hologram and unique identification number.

What to do if the products are getting softer or harder during shipping process because of the weather conditions?

Unfortunately, the weather may affect the products consistency, but don’t worry! If you feel that the product is too soft for hot weather, just put it in a cooler place for a little while (but please do not freeze it). However, if you notice it’s too hard for cold weather then you can warm it slightly by holding it in your hands. ( Do not microwave or heat the product in oven.)

Pro-Skin or W.E.T. Cream?

If your pet has suffered any kind of injury, if there are bruises on any part of their body or if they were bitten by a bug, use Pro-Skin Ointment, which has been specially made for treating wounds and injuries.

If your pet’s skin is constantly itchy, red, licking/biting their feet and has sores on the surface of the skin or is becoming discolored then our W.E.T. Cream ointment will be your best friend for dealing with fungal infestations and allergy symptoms.

Can I use the W.E.T. Cream Curative Ointment on my dog’s ears and in his wrinkles?

Of course! Fungi love moist skin and ears but do not apply directly to the ear canal. Apply externally only.

What is propolis in our products?

Propolis is a sumptuous, viscous resin collected by bees to seal gaps in the hive. In fact, propolis is the word for “bee glue” in Greek! Propolis is also bees’ first line of defense against viruses, bacteria and other threats from without.

Propolis can be used as an antiseptic, antifungal and antiviral agent due to its natural preservative properties.

Propolis helps to speed up the healing process of wounds and protects them from infections. It has great antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. And it does all of this without any negative side effects.

What is beeswax in our products?

The beeswax is the binding agent of nature. A honeycomb-shaped structure is the epitome of geometry. Bees create hexagonal cells, from which it is well known that they can store the greatest amount of honey with minimal effort.

Beeswax is naturally antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-fungal to help protect the skin from infections.

Hogyan és mikor kapom meg a csomagomat, amikor rendelést adok le?

Egy gondosan becsomagolt papírdobozban és nagyon gyorsan.

Ugyanis a csomagot a GLS szállítja ki, akik egy ideje nagyon beleerősítettek a gyorsaságba. A legtöbb esetben 1 napon belül kiszállítják a csomagot…de a legrosszabb esetben is 2 napon belül.

Ráadásul nagyon profin intézik a dolgokat. E-mail és telefonos értesítést is kapsz tőlük a szállítás napján. És akár felhívhatod a futárt, hogy egyeztess vele, ha mondjuk más időpontban szeretnéd megkapni a csomagot.

Úgyhogy, a rendelésed leadása után 1-2 napon belül biztosan ott tarthatod a kezedben a Whizzopet csomagodat és máris elkezdheted a kutyusod ápolását.

Do we have guarantee?

Yes, we have 180 days guarantee.

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