You can apply nature to your pet straight by using Whizzopet

Did you know?

that dogs have as many microscopic enemies as humans? Microscopic fungi and bacteria lie in wait to spread on them and are trying to steal their health. Did you know that a single bacteria can create more than eight million other “harmful” cells in less than twenty-four hours if it were given a chance? And how many nasty diseases, like yeast or even life-threatening dangerous inflammations, can the countless invisible microbes cause?

Unlike you, they have limited protection against these bacteria. In many cases, their lack of treatment can distress them, which can easily lead to anxiety. We know that planning for the long term care of your dog is difficult. This is why we created Whizzopet to provide the best quality, natural ingredients product line to ensure you can care for your pet.



What makes Whizzopet products awesome and unique?

Did you know that we also use special ingredients?

Our organic Acacia Honey, organic beeswax and organic propolis come from our own organic apiary of over 5.4 million bees.

  • We process manually the ingredients collected by our busy bees in a manner that is both fun and efficient.
  • Then we send the supplies to the manufacturer, then the ingredients are prepared in our organic apiary, which has received the honorable HU-ÖKO-01 award, which shows the compliance to the requirements set by Biocontrol.

What’s the difference between bees products and organic bees products?

Well, it makes a big difference. Organic doesn’t contain any industrial impurities and other harmful “by-products.” Believe us, your dog will be grateful to you for nurturing it with our products. And that’s priceless, isn’t it?


It's like putting a little bit of nature on your dog.

Rejtett veszély nélkül

Without hidden dangers

Although natural ingredients are very good, some can cause an allergic reaction (e.g., lavender as well).

All our products are designed to be 100% allergy-free.

Our products are hypoallergenic, so you don’t have to worry about your pet having an allergic reaction to them.


With strict requirements

We use a high percentage of organic ingredients in our products. Our raw materials have been certified by ECOCERT, an internationally recognized French organization who inspects and certifies the natural and ecological quality of raw materials.


Whenever possible – Organic ingredients

The word oganic is not just an empty formula we keep bragging about for “marketing” reasons because it sounds good.

We have taken great care to ensure that all our products contain, as far as possible, the most natural organic ingredients. We guarantee that these ingredients are pure and free from any traces of chemical derivatives. We take zero tolerance seriously, and so should you.

Alaposan átgondolt összetétellel

Thoroughly thought out composition

Our developer said he rarely meets a partner who pays such careful attention to what goes into a product. We often consulted several times each day to prevent anything not approved from getting into our cosmetics. Our products are chemical-free and organic, and some have even been rated as curative products.

At first, we didn't rely on chance

We thought that we would develop our products ourselves. That’s why Barbara completed a Dog Herbalist course. It was a great starting point, but it also made us realize that we needed to hire a professional development team to help develop our products.

So we entrusted the work to a renowned development team in Hungary. We began developing the family of Whizzopet products together, and after two years we had exceptional results: one great product after another!

Why was the process of developing was an adventure? What makes it a first-class choice for you?

Our developers have dogs too

and they were also concerned about the proper care and protection of theirs.

Our developer has worked on a variety of projects, including:

Nanotechnology-based bactericidal treatment of drinking water and wastewater, Helia-D make-up wipes, Feel-X wipes product line, Neogranormon baby wipes, TEVA Pharmaceutical Factory medical technology disinfectants, development and licensing of Sudocrem wipes, development of Imre Szabó _Hair n Beauty Oxygen hair care product family and many more.

They have the best knowledge in it

because they have experienced the problem themselves. They gave all their best to develop the products.

You can be certain that

all the products are also used by the developers themselves, because they know that all their ingredients meet even their highest expectations. Want more convincing evidence than the fact that even the developers themselves use this product with confidence instead of taking it as JUST ANOTHER “finished job”? This wasn’t simply a business collaboration; it was a real collaborative effort in which everyone worked toward making Whizzopet.

How are Whizzopet products made?

Whizzopet products undergo a manufacturing process that is carefully controlled and regulated by laboratory standards to ensure that the stability of the active ingredients in the products remains as high as possible in the final product.

All raw materials are first placed in a special glass heating and mixing reactor, where they are individually brought to perfect condition for use. The raw materials only come into contact with glass surfaces during the entire production process.

This is important not only because the progress of the production process can be monitored continuously – even visually – but also because the surface of all work vessels can be disinfected and cleaned very well.

We follow strict hygiene regulations to ensure that our products are safe. And because trust is the number one consideration for such a product, we pay close attention at every stage to ensure that our products perfectly match the function we are recommending it for. All of our products undergo microbiological testing based on double and systematic sampling, and after this, they are included in the production protocol. We regularly perform these tests. Only after all measured parameters meet the requirements will the products be released in the market. The result: Lots and lots of happier pets and, of course, satisfied owners.

Proactive Development

Throughout the development, we kept in mind the dogs’ health and cheerful nature. We did not want to disturb under any circumstances their natural biorhythms, so we proactively developed the final composition.

3 rounds of testing

We don’t compromise on quality. Our products are all natural, hypoallergenic, and tested multiple times to ensure their safety and quality.

Strictly controlled production

We use UV-sterilization technology to ensure that both the packaging materials and the products themselves are free of harmful microorganisms. During production, we ensure a high level of quality by using modern technology.

Our values

Kínzás nélkül

Cruelty free

We reject cruelty to animals, so our products are also made with this in mind.



It is our top priority to take care of the dogs, because this makes their lives better and brighter.



Our four-legged friends are natural creatures, so we think it’s best to use natural products when caring for them.


High Quality

We always reject the use of cheap chemicals in our manufacturing process.



Aki látta már egy kutya szemében a feltétlen szeretet, annak fontos, hogy visszaadja ezt neki valamilyen formában. Számunkra ez sokkal többet jelent néhány simogatásnál.



Our organic apiary is under strict inspection. We follow the Biokontroll’s strict guidelines to manufacture our products’ key ingredients.

Családtag, nem háziállat

Family Member

Our dog is part of our family. Our products are created with the assumption that your dog is like one of our family members.

Első a saját próba

First, we try it out on ourself!

First we use our products on ourself and on our own pets. We trust our own developments and so we don’t hesitate to try them on our “children” without any fear (because all ingredients are natural and organic).

Az "Ő" boldogságuk a fő

Their happiness is the most important

We’ve created Whizzopet because we love dogs and didn’t find many suitable quality care products. We thought it would be important for other people too.

Try our products and see their beneficial effects.

You won't be dissapointed.

Nose Glo orrápoló

Nose Glo

Hypoallergenic balm made of 100% natural ingredients that perfectly nourishes, hydrates, softens and regenerates dry, sore, cracked nose and protects it from extreme weather and external influences, thus helping to keep your pet's nose healthy.

Paw Cure mancsápoló

Paw Cure

Hypoallergenic balm made of 100% natural ingredients for the care and protection of dry, cracked, irritated paw and paw pads, which effectively protects the paws even in extreme weather conditions.

Pro-skin kenőcs

Pro-skin Curative Ointment

Hypoallergenic curative ointment specifically for the treatment of damaged skin,injuries and wounds. We recommend it for injuries,cuts, wounds,hot spot,scars,bug bites,dry skin.

Pro-skin kenőcs

W.E.T Cream Curative Ointment

Hypoallergenic curative ointment specifically for the treatment of different types of fungal skin infections(yeast) and one of the best options for itchy, sensitive, irritated and allergic skin.

Pro-skin kenőcs

Ear gel

Whizzopet Ear Cleansing Gel is specially formulated to clean sensitive ear skin, helping you prevent more serious ailments. It also helps remove microbial breeding ground deposits from the external auditory canal.


Some say that…

  • Some say that their product is absolutely natural, but they don’t mention that some natural ingredients can cause allergic reactions, such as lavender. We have developed our products with completely hypoallergenic ingredients, so you can be sure that there are no “hidden dangers” in them. Although lavender was tempting for us too, we preferred not to use it … it didn’t live up to our expectations so you can be sure there are no “hidden dangers” in them.
  • We also care about the ingredients we use. Some say their products are made from 100% natural ingredients, but let us not forget that these ingredients require protection. We went even further with this and used organic raw materials wherever available. These components have to meet much stricter requirements than natural ingredients. For example, they can’t contain chemical derivatives. This makes our products safer to use than others’.
  • Some think it’s best to use a single product for both paws and nose care, because they think it will save you time and money. But we don’t think that using one balm for the nose and paws is a great idea. The two areas have different functions and require different treatments. We’ve developed two distinctive products so your dog can get the best care for its paws and nose …

As you can see, we have tried our best to bring together our products so that they end up making your pet a very happy and hassle-free dog.

Join our team and take care of your dog with the Whizzopet product line.

Wondering who we are?

Hi! We’re Barbi and Greg, the founders of Whizzopet.

We believe that every responsible dog owner should be able to access grooming products that help them take care of their pet without having to compromise on poorer quality.

As French Bulldog breeders, we know firsthand how challenging dog care can be.

We believe that every responsible dog owner should be able to access grooming products that help them take care of their pet without having to compromise on poorer quality.

Barbi & Gergő
founders & lovers of dogs and nature

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